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Instructions For Sponsors, Site Contacts

Help us keep your information current.

We ask that you review your sites on the Free Meals for Kids App.

It’s important to confirm that your site information is correct, make any changes or delete the site.

The current information lists sites approved by MDE. Any sponsor may opt out at any time, and we will delete sites when requested by site sponsors.

Please provide the information below or attach a flyer or website link to expedite the process.

Site name:

Street address/city/zip code:

Registration/Enrollment: Select 1, 2 or 3 below

1. Open Enrollment—”Open to all 18 and under”
2. Closed Enrollment—”Registration required”
3. Restricted Open Sites—”First come, first served” 

Meals Served: (Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Supper, Meal Packs, Thanksgiving Boxes, etc.)


Closed Dates: (Labor Day, Thanksgiving, etc.)

Site Contact: (Email or phone number)

Days of Operations: (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, etc.)

Type of meals and when served: (Breakfast 8-9 am — M,T,W,Th,F; Lunch noon-1 — M-W)


Site Update: This is a section on the App that can include special instructions. These instructions include details such as “come to door C” or” Serving times vary by 15 minutes.”

We encourage you to make sure the MDE database is also current.

We will continue to review the MDE databases during the school year, and each day during the summer months (May through August).

If you wish, we can customize the image to promote your organization.

Please contact us if you have questions, changes, or concerns at:

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